Uber Estimate

Top 10 Cheapest Uber Cities

We have collected the top 10 of the cheapest Uber cities in the world. All the fare prices are converted to US$.

Check the top 10 most expensive uber cities here, if you prefer VIP style instead.



  1. Dhaka (Min.: $0.04 - km: $0.22)
  2. Krasnodar (Min.: $0.04 - km: $0.17)
  3. Cairo (Min.: $0.02 - km: $0.11)
  4. Alexandria (Min.: $0.02 - km: $0.11)
  5. Cebu (Min.: $0.05 - km: $0.13)
  6. Chiang Mai (Min.: $0.08 - km: $0.08)
  7. Jaipur (Min.: $0.02 - km: $0.13)
  8. Rostov-On-Don (Min.: $0.04 - km: $0.14)
  9. Medan (Min.: $0.02 - km: $0.21)
  10. Bandung (Min.: $0.02 - km: $0.2)


  1. Ho Chi Minh City (Min.: $0.03 - km: $0.51)
  2. Hanoi (Min.: $0.04 - km: $0.42)
  3. Bangkok (Min.: $0.08 - km: $0.45)
  4. Cali - Colombia (Min.: $0.11 - km: $0.24)
  5. Manila (Min.: $0.05 - km: $0.27)
  6. Medellin (Min.: $0.06 - km: $0.36)
  7. Kuala Lumpur (Min.: $0.13 - km: $0.36)
  8. Cartagena (Min.: $0.05 - km: $0.38)
  9. Barranquilla (Min.: $0.06 - km: $0.38)
  10. Brasilia (Min.: $0.1 - km: $0.68)

Dhaka, Krasnodar, Cairo are among the cheapest cities, but get your first Uber ride for free with an uber promo code.

Try the Uber experience now and enjoy a long free ride within these cheap Uber cities.

Our algorithm is using the base, distance and minutes, if you want a more accurate estimate, use our uber fare estimator.

Curious about the fare price from the airport to the hotel? Check it now before arriving.