Uber Estimate

Top 10 Most Expensive Uber Cities

We have collected the top 10 of the most expensive Uber cities in the world. All the fare prices are converted to US$.

Check out the top 10 cheapest uber cities here, if you like low-cost taxi rides.



  1. Stockholm (Min.: $0.69 - km: $0.91)
  2. Gothenburg (Min.: $0.67 - km: $1.21)
  3. the Hamptons (Min.: $0.6 - mile: $1.65)
  4. the Hamptons (Min.: $0.6 - mile: $1.65)
  5. Malmö (Min.: $0.67 - km: $1.07)
  6. NYC Suburbs (Min.: $0.35 - mile: $1.75)
  7. New York City (Min.: $0.35 - mile: $1.75)
  8. Manhattan (Min.: $0.35 - mile: $1.75)
  9. Pittsburgh (Min.: $0.15 - mile: $1.1)
  10. Colorado Springs (Min.: $0.16 - mile: $0.9)


  1. Sydney (Min.: $0.79 - km: $2.28)
  2. Melbourne (Min.: $0.63 - km: $1.89)
  3. Dublin (Min.: $0.8 - km: $1.54)
  4. Zurich (Min.: $0.64 - km: $3.85)
  5. Geneva (Min.: $0.64 - km: $3.85)
  6. Perth (Min.: $0.53 - km: $1.6)
  7. Adelaide (Min.: $0.35 - km: $1.61)
  8. Jacksonville (Min.: $0.55 - mile: $2.26)
  9. Phoenix (Min.: $0.35 - mile: $3.3)
  10. Boulder (Min.: $0.35 - mile: $3.2)

Stockholm, Gothenburg, the Hamptons are among the most expensive cities, but get your first Uber ride for free with an uber promo code.

It's a great way to kickstart a cashless experience when driving high-end taxis.

Our algorithm is using the base, distance and minutes, if you want a more accurate estimate, use our uber fare estimator.

We provide you with real-time uber estimates and approximately time for your pickup.