Uber Estimate

Uber Gift Cards

Give your loved one an Uber gift card today, as this gift is just a godsend for anyone out there.

UberEvents is a feature that will allow you to give away Uber credits to one and all.


Isn't it cool? Yes, it is, but UberEvents can do the job, but it's not like a gift card as you know it.

How to use UberEvents

When using UberEvents as a gift card, your guest will have to use the Uber gift card or credit within a week.

Uber Gift Cards

In addition, you have to choose a very specific departure or drop off spot, since your guest will have to use the Uber credits on a ride that starts or ends within 0.4 kilometers of this address.

Taxi Gift Card

This taxi gift card will make a lot of your buddies happy, and you will love it.

You will be able to buy Uber credits in different amounts from $25 to $250. Uber will shoot you an email in PDF format so that you can redeem your code.

You can use either your Uber’s site or app to do this.

Buy an Uber Gift Card

You can also buy an Uber gift card instead of using UberEvents if you request permission from Uber support, so follow these steps.

If you don't have an Uber account use the Uber promo code and get a free ride.

Next step is to send Uber customer support an email so that they can activate gift cards in your account.

When you will get approved for Uber gift cards you can go to the Payment section.

You will now be able to see the "Buy Gift Card" button.

Pick out the amount you want to spend, type in the email address, and click on the "Place Order" button.