Uber Estimate

Is Uber in Montreal?

Yes, indeed! 😊 Uber offers its ride-sharing services in Montreal, Canada.

Uber provides 10 car choices in the Montreal area of Canada. The available services include Premier, UberX, UberX Share, Comfort Electric, WAV, Comfort, UberXL, Uber Green, Uber Pet, and Connect.


If you're a new Uber user in Montreal, you might qualify for one of the ongoing Uber promo codes. This is a great chance to join Uber and enjoy a complimentary ride on your first trip.

Don't pass up this opportunity to discover the convenience, comfort, and affordability that Uber brings!

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Montreal Uber Support

Is Uber in my city?

Wondering if Uber operates in your city? If you're in Montreal and need assistance with using Uber, we're here to help!

Feel free to reach out to our efficient and friendly Uber support team for any questions or concerns about your Uber experience in Montreal.

In case of an emergency, you can use Uber's hotline service number for immediate assistance.

Last updated: April 22, 2024.